When I was a little younger I was pretty heavy into rappelling. So when I ran across this picture of the mountain, naturally making a Signature set came to mind. Might not of been to good of an idea though as now I have the bug to go jump off a cliff!....
This is an animated gif I made for welcoming new members to the forum I belong to. Adobe Photoshop is the best program for making animated gifs that I've found so far. Once you figure out how the layer/frame relation works.GIF Animator is another good program.
This is my signature at the forum I hang my hat at. Being an X truck driver I just had to make one with a truck. I was happy with how the smoke came out on this one.
This is the first truck signature I had. I was lucky to find a trailer that I could re size and it almost looks like it was part of the original picture. Photoshop is a wonderful thing!
I created this blog to post the stuff I'm working on so my family can see what I'm doing.
I'm obviously not a professional artist. I'm a truck driver, carpenter. I taught myself what little I do know. I just enjoy piddling on the computer building little graphic goodies, or doodads. When I get really stumped I'm lucky enough to have a sister that is a pro in the field, but I try not to bug her to much.
I use other artists icons, etc to build my goodies. I build the basic buttons and stuff like that & add effects to the art. The original might be altered to suit my needs. What ever graphic art type stuff I do is able to end up posted on these pages. I tend to go off in different directions quite frequently.
Everything you get here you are free to use, alter or give to other people. Thanx for coming, and I hope you enjoy what is here.